Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Greg Genre – Nondualism, Anti-Consumerism and Artistic Responsibility


A few years ago I came up with the composer/performer name of Greg Genre and i have been performing under that name ever since.  More recently having looked at the etymology of both Greg and Genre and i have realised both terms refer to both my compositional technique and to the essence of how i view myself as a human being.   Greg comes from the ancient Greek Gregorius meaning ‘Watchful’ and ‘Alert’ and in Folk Etymology the name became associated with the Latin Grex meaning To ‘Flock’ or ‘herd’ .  The name Gregorius also later became the word Gregarious meaning ‘Sociable’, or ‘Liking The Company Of Other People’.  Genre comes from the French meaning type or kind or latin Genus meaning race or stock. 

Hence Greg Genre refers to how I flock or herd a number of different kinds of music and also to my sociable nature as I enjoy the company of many different types of people, independent of age, gender of ethnicity.

For me composing and performing music then is a process of self-definition and self-creation, although I am aware that the music I play and how I act and behave as a person results from all of the people I have met, music i have heard, experiences i have collected, and in this sense the music i play before you today should be understood as ‘our’ music rather than ‘mine’, I understand that the process works both ways in that the music that i perform can also affect and influence the lives of others and the world around me.  As musicians we are all responsible in our own way for shaping and defining not only how we are understood and perceived but also for shaping how music itself is defined and perceived and as a result we all have a hand in shaping the larger culture. Musical composition and performance empowers me to address my own repressed emotion, allows me to voice my concerns about the world around me and as a result music encourages me to take a more active role in contributing to the larger communities of which i am a part.  Through my music i Hope to encourage and empower other people to creatively express, to get out the social boxes, the biggest being the fear of what other people think of you, which results from the other smaller boxes which bring with them various normal protocols and behaviours, which may limit your ability to express who you are. 


A couple of weeks back I announced how I am particularly fond of artists such Genki Sudo who use art as a means of spreading messages of Universal Peace.  After receiving some feedback
I realised that my statements were largely ambiguous in regards to what I meant by Genki Sudo’s ‘We Are All One’ statement and also what I meant in terms how much allows me feel a greater sense of connection to everyone and everything.   Sudo’s statement has both scientific and spiritual significance for me. 

Firstly from a purely this world is all there is scientific standpoint such a message communicates how we are all in turn responsible for the world in which we live and the message also highlights how there is an interdependence between things within nature.  As one of my favourite Hip Hop musicians KRS ONE has asserted in his book The Gospel Of Hip Hop:

Realise that everyone is a role model because every object in Nature affects every other object in Nature.  Every object and/or event in Nature appears to the human mind as a symbol-everything means something to us.  As an object in Nature you are a symbol to other people as to what reality is and what is even possible.  To assume, that you are not a role model is to deny your own influence upon Nature and upon other people.  Such an assumption confines you to your own limited thinking.  (KRS ONE 2009, pp.699-700)

As a performer of music there is in some way a heightened degree of responsibility in that on stage, musicians have a privileged chance to communicate a message to an often passive audience.  Whether this message is consciously or unconsciously manifested the stage provides the performer of music with a heightened chance to influence. 
Secondly on a spiritual level I do believe that there is some infinite force at play beyond the five sense plain which connects all (I like KRS Ones definition as the Love that Guides Our Direction).  Whether these beliefs have any validity for you or not is in some way unimportant.  How these beliefs affect how I approach and live out my life do.  Although my beliefs don’t necessarily prescribe to a singular, named religion and as my beliefs are influenced by innumerable sources, some important elements of what I believe relate to Vedanta, a branch of Hindu Philosophy.  One of the most widely known exponents of Vedanta, Swami Vivekananda, sums ups the philosophy in saying: 

The whole universe is one existence.  There cannot be anything else.  Out of diversities we are all going towards this universal existence.  Families into tribes, tribes into races, races into nations, nations into humanity-how many wills going to the One!  It is all knowledge, all science the realization of this unity’ (Vivekananda The Complete Works Of Vol.8 p.138)

Essentially Vedanta philosophy proposes A Non-dualistic reality in which the part is in the whole and the whole is in the part.  The aim of all life from such a perspective is to realise the oneness of all.  Through Vedanta then-or through the acquirement of such a knowledge that all is one- an individual realises also that what he or she was searching for in life (happiness, contentment, peace, bliss etc.) is already within and no longer without.    
As a performing musician I of course would love for people to take pleasure from the aesthetics of my music, but my lyrical content more recently has been more focused on making the listener aware that it is the beauty within themselves that allows the music to be beautiful not necessarily the beauty of what I am playing.

Danielle Parziani, in a presentation last year, discussed the search for and the possibility of an objective music.  I would argue that the objectivity is to be found within not without.  Everything is a question of perception.  Your perception comes from the thoughts you habitually think and the beliefs and views that you hold.   The more that one looks outside for beauty, fulfilment, enjoyment and happiness the more external protocols that need to be met in order for beauty, fulfilment, enjoyment happiness to be realised. 


In a lot of my songs I critique the consumer society in which we live and the model of cyclical consumption on which our economic system depends.   In Consumer society an increasing consumption of goods is economically beneficial as the more goods that are produced, sold and consumed the more the economic growth.

Refer to the diagram above which shows cyclical consumption at work.  As you can see The Employer or company and the employees of a particular company are completely dependent on the process of consumer purchasing for wages and profit.  If less people began to purchase and consume the products or services provided by the company than the companies profits would decrease and they may have to lay off some of there employees, this obviously has negative results for the economy as a whole.

As economic growth is constantly needed to maintain the system it is beneficial to have a populace who rely on the purchasing of more and more commodities to provide well-being and happiness and who believe that the more they have, or the more that they consume the better that their lives will be.  This means that people must be encouraged to look outside of themselves for a source of fulfilment and enrichment in their lives.  On the other hand this means that those are content with what they have and those who look within themselves for fulfilment and identity are actually detrimental to the economic system. 

Of course, I cannot claim to be performing purely anti-consumerist music as the music that I compose follows a lot of the protocols associated with consumerism.  I compose mainly in the western standard tuning, I write in a verse chorus popular song structure and I often release my music as the neatly packaged e.p.  I also compose various styles of instrumentals which i sometimes sell for film and TV. 
Of course you could argue that such irony and contradiction within my musical approach nullifies the messages found in my lyrical content .

For example how can i claim to preach anti-consumer messages yet still sell CDs or perform in pay per entry venues?  But to be honest I see composing and performing as I do not as much as an anti-consumerist statement but instead as being anti-catalystic (in apposition to the theory that an external catalyst is necessary)

The best example I can give to demonstrate my theory is a real life event which I witnessed last week.  I saw a couple of kids jumping in and out of puddles with massive smiles on there faces.  There mother told them off and pulled them over to the side.  She then walked them over to Fenwick’s window and pointed up at Santa Claus holding a bag full or goodies in his right hand.

Through the process of ‘growing up’ these kids will learn that as adults there is no enjoyment to be had jumping in and out of puddles.  They must for wait for multiple branches of criteria to be met before fun can be contemplated. 

Has the whistle blown yet? Has the match kicked off yet? Have the band started playing yet? Do the shops have a sale on?  Is it you Birthday? Do you have a reason to celebrate your existence? Is it Christmas? 

I can’t admire the dead, the lifeless statues in Fenwick’s because the beauty is in the child and not the window. 

Peace and love and more to come!

Friday, 26 November 2010

Performance at Student Occupation Newcastle University

I would like to thank those who invited me to perform at the Student Occupation at Newcastle University last night.  It was great to hear from a group of committed and passionate young people, all eager to speak out against the rising tuition fees.

Although the protests and occupations are directed at the singular issue of rising student fees I feel it is important to emphasise how this issue relates to the wider economic inequalities that perpetuate in our economic system.  The Lib-Dem, Conservative Coalition may be to blame for the proposal of this legislation but in reality they are merely attempting to insert minuscule plugs into a steadily sinking ship.  If Labour were still in it wouldn't surprise me if they went down the same route, for me it is not a party political issue.

None of the mainstream political parties focus on the route cause of most of the inequalities in society.  This root cause is the Fractional Reserve Banking system and the debt driven economic system governed by the IMF.  In the current 'Economic Crisis' it is Economic growth that is sought, human need comes secondary to profit.

I would highly recommend reading 'The Mystery Of Banking' by Murray Rothbard, which gives a clear and concise explanation of the insanities of our monetary system.  You can read online for free at http://mises.org/books/mysteryofbanking.pdf

Also to follow the progress of the Newcastle University Occupation visit the Newcastle Free Education Network at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=197371391630

Newcastle Free Education Network


Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Platform2 'I Am The Change' Poetry Book Launch

Below is a piece I wrote to perform at the launch of the Platform 2 'I Am The Change' Poertry Book launch.   Poetry on the theme of Global injustice.  The collection brought together the works of various young people who travelled to developing countries with the Platform2 volunteering program.  

To find more about the Platform 2 program go to : http://www.myplatform2.com/

The Root Cause

I used to blame other people for my own mistakes

Used to sit around and wait until it became too late
Its so easy to laze to procrastinate
Its difficult to change and create your own fate

But its never too late to shape ur own life
I get up early every morning , give thanks for being alive
According to evolution only strong survive
So if at first you don’t succeed you’ve gotta try try try

To be all you can be
There’s infinite possibility
What you believe governs exactly what your going to see
And what you believe determines what you receive in return. 

Because Nature works on a basic set of Algorithms,
The more you input for others the more altruism
You receive in return and the more you learn about
The interconnectivity of all

Gotta find the root cause, the root cause, the root cause, look at the root. 
Gotta find the root cause, the root cause, the root cause, look at the root.

In our present system we rely on short term solutions
profit takes priority in the codes of institutions
Every disease is appeased by looking at straight the symptoms
Pills and potions that result side-affect conditions. 

But I’ve decided to prescribe myself a lasting fix
With no harmful side-effects only benefits
the medicine of meditation is a lasting kind
Becoming a silent witness of my own mind

So I can remove my pet lip, sip on the h20 flow
Alcoholic kicks are unnecessary for those
Whose happiness needs no quick catalyst to assist

hearing the internal rhythm I go aka at a party
Dance with so much energy i nearly leap out of my body
Feeling so hearty want to introduce myself to myself. 

Gotta find the root cause, the root cause, the root cause, look at the root.
Gotta find the root cause, the root cause, the root cause, look at the root.


Monday, 22 November 2010


I bang out a creation
and then store it in my filing system
a copy is saved on my laptop
backed up on my usb stick
lastly printed and archived in my memories box in the loft

I enter it into a competion
'Poems on Politics' in the paper
I edit it to hit the word count
tailor it to fit my previous works
shape it into the times roman font, into size 12 colour black

I win the competition and im invited to perform it
at an event at the local library
I read it aloud in my local dialect
cover key words and popular political topics
it soon become part of my repertoire

I then construct a dozen simliar poems
and a number of publishers show a vested interest
I choose the most widely known publisher
so that I can reach the most ammount of people
my book sells in the thousands and is nominated as
the 'best poetry collection of the year'

I peform the collection all over the country
do a number of radio appearances a couple of TV shows
people come up to me in the street and greet me
as if Im part of their family
and my newly found celebrity resulted in a spot on the
royal variety performance.

In a hundered years time students will still study my syntax
they will be forced to relate my ryhtmms to the zeitgiest of the times
my use of ryhme will be understood as representitive of
the repetivity and banality of the 'information age'

All the while the students will be ignorant of my admissions:
the filing system emptied
the laptop outdated and bugged
the only copy left in the memories box in the loft.
decaying, forgot.

As the creation itself intended?

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Genki Sudo - We Are All One

Just want to mention an artist who has been particularly inspirational to me in the last year or so, the multi-talented Genki Sudo.  Although I am a huge admirer of the music that he produces and also his highly creative ring entrances I particularly fond of how he couples his art with messages of Universal peace and unity. 

Below is a clip from a documentary interview.  Skip to 5mins10 to hear Genki Sudo discussing the concept of 'We Are All One'


Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Simple Is Strong - Lyrics

Check out the youtube video at http://www.youtube.com/greggenre#p/u/15/Apa4tBYOSrg

Simple Is Strong:

Some aren’t content with a whole fortune, my mother she’s content when she’s stirring a spoon
In my mug of tea, constructing the layers of me, milk and one sugar please it’s all I need to, escape from the habits of greed, cos there’s people on the streets without enough to eat
riddled by all these complexities, living with endless luxuries
You don’t have to give a thought to the repercussions, or the benefits for others, cos we all live and die by that same covenant, worship the god of profit and you’ll prosper, I’ll buy you girl can I make you an offer?
A thousand pearls for your soul
So I can take control and pigeon-hole
take control of your soul
I’ll upload all of your wants and desires
turn you into a product that you could buy or hire, advertise yourself on billboards, all over flyers
distribute them to the latest buyer
Cos everything must be given
A price in accordance with its surface image, so invest in me, I’m sure you can envisage, the potential of this profit pie

Simple is Strong, as life around you carries on.  You try and gain more of those possessions
Simple is Strong, it seems to me
the less we have the more that we belong

And a bee is a bee, who we trying to be?
Its like humanity is turning into a new species, advanced technologies, complex ideologies, evolving, without solving, the world’s problems that won’t be solved if, we consume without a care
leaving the Earth in a state of disrepair
Take take take more than your fair share, Cos the worlds getting smaller, yet the gap still grows between them and those, who have too much control
and them with spiralling debts and loans
Have to work endless hours just to pay for a home, and when you finally find some time of your own, you’re too tired to express, putting on a front of happiness, worrying about the next day of work and stress
And who are we trying to impress?
strolling down the high streets with fashionable finesse
don’t you know the possessor can become the possessed?
don’t you know the interested can become the obsessed?
When your over-dependent on the next
short stimulus of the senses, its time to take stock
stop the pretending,
Reflect on the peace in your heart never ending,
never ending, never ending

Simple is Strong, as life around you carries on
You try and gain more of those possessions
Simple is Strong, it seems to me
the less we have the more that we belong
it seems to me
the less we have the more that we belong
it seems to me
the less we have the more that we belong...