Sunday, 27 October 2013

Strip Off With Liner Notes

Strip Off With...Greg Genre

In support of The People's Kitchen

A Performance in support of THE PEOPLES KITCHEN, A soup Kitchen which provides Fr
We are not here to see through one another, we are here to see one another through’ (Alison Kay, Founder)

About the performer

Greg Genre is the pseudonym of composer and performer Greg Kelly. The name refers to how he blends a range of influences to forge his own compositional styles. In etymological terms Greg comes from the Greek ‘Gregorious’ which became ‘Gregariouis’ meaning sociable or liking the company of other people. Genre derives from the French meaning type or kind. Greg Genre thus refers to how he herds together a range of styles and types of music in his compositions and also to how as a human being he enjoys communing with all people independent of age, gender, ethnicity etc. The songs you will hear tonight showcase his take on rap music and perhaps could be labelled or understood as a form of acoustic rap. Greg blends rhythmical slam poetry with acoustic guitar riffs and chord sequences. The guitar replaces the sampler and the rhythmical words ramble along in varying, complex rhythms created from his spoken dialect.

About the performance

The aim of this performance it to connect songs which speak of injustice and inequality with a direct social cause. The Strip Off idea is not only a comedic ploy to make my words more palatable but also a direct description of the performance style itself. In a world in which pop music has become increasingly synonymous with the material, the image and the package, Greg presents pop music stripped down to the basics. This performance is an attempt to reaffirm the importance of lyrical content and also a comment on how performers have a heightened responsibility for the messages that they communicate as well as the groove that they create with music.

About the cause

The Peoples Kitchen are currently asking for donations of clothing and food to prepare for the harsh winter months ahead. If you have brought any donations please hand them to Greg at the end of the performance. If you would like more information or if you would like to donate another time you can visit their website:

Song List

1, Coated In Sugar
2, The Root Cause
3, Box Box Box
4, The Continuous Miracle
5, Simple Is Strong
6, Retail Slavery
7, For The Children
8, Bungalow Or Flat

All songs written and performed by Greg Genre.

Thanks to

Marilyn Champion – fellow volunteer at The Peoples Kitchen who provided information leaflets for this performance
Staff and Friends of Newcastle University- I On coming to Newcastle University I planned to refine my technical musical have taught me much greater lessons, the have given me an understanding as to why I compose and perform music in the first place
The Kellys- My family have brought me up with the open mind and heart which has responsible for my lyrical content and ideas.
Emma- there’s nothing quite like the taste of unconditional loves embrace those moments when you’re face to face with grace.
In addition Greg Genre would like to thank you all for listening and making a contribution. ‘This show has given me the chance to express myself so thank you, I hope you all have a safe journey home to your Bungalow or Flat!’ Peace and Love for everyone and everything. 

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