Monday, 16 November 2015

Love All Beings

New song, currently recording. First track with French lyrics (the only two phrases I know) 😊

Freedom of the mind is difficult to find
It takes a certain je ne sais quoi..
Yet when the mind rests, the heart manifests
the unknown je ne sais pas, to love all beings
love all.

Where do I begin and where do I end
if everyone I call my friend?
No individual me in nonduality
expand yourself until your free to
love all beings, love all

dadadadadadadum ohm
dadadadadadadum ohm

All hierarchies are pyramid shaped
yet the top of the structure relies on the base
Where would humanity be without other species? Diversity is key to unity so
love all beings, love all

Download for 'Compassion In World Farming'

Saturday, 14 March 2015


who decided what is in tune
and what is not?
If you're sick of hearing the
same chaotic sounds
tune up your instrument
to 432hz to 432hz😊

get out of the boxboxbox

the cosmic 432 youtube

Monday, 16 February 2015

Natural Vibrations 432hz

If you're sick of hearing the same old tunes. Tune up your instrument to 432hz.